The goal of the training program is the development and maintenance of competence in the field of nuclear engineering such as science, technology and medicine. We have developed a modular training program that, on the one hand, teaches basic nuclear knowledge and, on the other hand, takes into account in-depth issues such as the qualification of radioactive waste for the Konrad repository or the decommissioning of nuclear facilities. In the implementation of the seminar modules, we cooperate with 70 professional lecturers from various institutions and convey contents clearly and practically.
In addition, we offer in-house training programs tailored to the respective customer needs.

Our nuclear consulting services focus on radiological and material characterization of residual and waste materials using nuclear radiation measurement technology as well as the radiological description of nuclear facilities. Measurements are carried out on behalf of consignees or complete metrological systems are designed to characterize radioactive waste or to release waste according to §§ 31-42 StrlSchV. In addition to the gamma-spectrometric in-situ measurement, the radionuclide-specific activity determination is based on a precise modeling and nuclear-physical simulation of the measurement. Here we use both probabilistic and deterministic simulation tools (MCNP6, SCALE, etc.) and combine them. We advise our customers on the conditioning, characterization and packaging of their waste in order to qualify for the repository Konrad.

The company develops innovative measuring systems within the scope of contract development on the highest scientific and technical level. For the first time our measuring systems enable non-destructive elemental analysis of complex material flows or material charges using prompt gamma-neutron activation analysis (PGNAA) and differ from existing techniques by integrally analyzing the material under testing conditions. Existing methods for element determination are based on the analysis of the surfaces with spectroscopic and microscopic methods, but are not able to completely permeate the material that is to be measured. Based on the technology developed by us, engineering processes can be monitored and controlled in real time. New sorting methods for recycling can be made possible by metrological content of economically strategic raw materials which, in addition to securing the supply of raw materials, will contribute to resource efficiency and thus to environmental and climate protection.
Due to the diversity of industrial applications of the measuring systems we primarily cooperate with the users of the technology to ensure that the development takes place according to requirements and market conditions. The assembling and testing of measuring equipment as well as the realization of experimental series and feasibility studies will be carried out in the 500 sqm AiNT technical center. In addition to the hardware, we develop our own gamma-spectrometric evaluation and control software and therefore we offer our customers full-service solutions.